Industry Snack & Chats

This "Snack and Chat" Industry Meetup series will facilitate opportunities for students to drop-in for career exploration conversations or recruitment-oriented conversations. A great way to raise brand awareness and reach students about your job and internship opportunities. This is a low-pressure opportunity to answer questions and share information about your company, industry, career opportunities, etc. UCS will provide the table and room space for you to participate in this event.  We ask that companies to bring swag, table skirts, and snacks for students visiting their tables.

  • Benefits for participation:
    • Introduces you to quality of UNC students
    • Improves exposure and campus visibility with students and faculty
    • Increases your opportunity to become known as an employer of choice for UNC students
    • Maintains your presence on-campus
    • Provides career mentoring opportunities
  • Tips for successful tabling:
    • Develop “grab and go” collateral to give students to engage with you
    • Put a QR code on all of your collateral that links back to a 60-90 second video of your workplace and career advantages for college students
    • Make sure your collateral is poster card size and contains images of diverse employees on the front and back along with info on jobs and benefits.
    • Make sure that your messaging on the cards and in conversation states that your organization considers all academic majors.
    • Include the direct contact information (email, LinkedIn, etc.) of recruiters who are committed to responding to students.
    • You can find more information about tabling policies here.

For more information, please contact [email protected].

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