Recruitment Opportunities

University Career Services is eager to support employers in connecting with students and enhancing their branding efforts on campus. We offer a range of strategies to help your organization stand out and capture the attention of our student body.

Select any of the opportunities below for more information:

    Participating in Events

    UNC-Chapel Hill's main campus features University Career Services, which caters to all students except those pursuing MBAs, law, medical, or dental degrees. Additionally, various schools and departments have their own career services staff to address the specific needs of their students. To explore involvement opportunities with University Career Services or department/school-based career offices, please reach out to the relevant Career Coach or Employer Consultant aligned with your campus recruitment strategy. They can provide detailed information about the employer events hosted by their respective departments.

    Career, Graduate Education, and Networking Events

    University Career Services sponsors various recruitment events throughout the year, providing your organization with ample opportunities to engage with a large number of students in environments where they frequently interact. Our approach focuses on "meeting students where they are", as in where students naturally gather, strategically targeting key locations across campus.

    Join the North Carolina Association of Colleges and Employers (NCACE)

    NCACE brings together all facets of business, industrial, governmental and post-secondary level educational institutions within North Carolina with the goal of economic growth, employment and professional development. Please click here for more information about NCACE, or here for our Employer Engagement Guide.

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