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For Graduate Students

The processes for career decision-making and job searching are not considerably different for graduate and professional students. What may be different are the types of positions you seek and the resources you use. We have embedded many of these resources into the student menu items to the right. Our resources for writing resumes and cover letters, building a LinkedIn profile, preparing for an interview, to name a few, are useful for undergraduate and graduate students alike.

One issue for graduate and professional students to consider is the industry in which to pursue employment. Job searches in academia have a different process from those in other industries. Many of the resources linked toward the bottom of this page address the differences.

University Career Services’ staff can assist you in any stage of career development, from early career planning to job search skills. See the events section of our website for specific workshops geared to graduate and professional students. We also invite you to participate in our career-specific networking nights and career panels, in addition to our other workshops and events.

In addition to the support offered at UCS, Inside Higher Ed, University Affairs, and Vitae/The Chronicle of Higher Education often run helpful articles and advice columns for graduate students and PhDs.

If you need assistance with any aspect of your career planning or job search, please schedule an appointment with a UCS career coach.


Developed by experts from over 50 universities, ImaginePhD offers a unique platform that teaches PhDs about popular job sectors, search strategies, and how to transfer skills across settings. Like the related GCC member project myIDP, with 100,000+ users, ImaginePhD has the potential to transform PhD career planning.

ImaginePhD users are able to:

  • assess their career-related skills, interests, and values
  • explore careers paths appropriate to their disciplines
  • map out steps for degree completion alongside career and professional development
  • Log-in to the UCS site for access

This is a free resource, open to all.


You have put a lot of time and effort into pursuing your PhD degree.  Now it’s time to focus on how to leverage your expertise into a satisfying and productive career.   An individual development plan (IDP) helps you explore career possibilities and set goals to follow the career path that fits you best.

myIDP provides:

  • Exercises to help you examine your skills, interests, and values
  • A list of 20 scientific career paths with a prediction of which ones best fit your skills and interests
  • A tool for setting strategic goals for the coming year, with optional reminders to keep you on track
  • Articles and resources to guide you through the process

This is a free resource, open to all.


An online resource designed to help humanities and social science PhDs develop and demonstrate their versatility as professionals. The site provides information; about academic employment realities, educated about nonacademic career options, and support in preparing for a range of possible careers. The key concept here is the ability to apply your skills and interests in a wide variety of fields. This is a collaborative resource offered by UCS and the UNC Graduate School.

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