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Heels Engage Network


UNC Chapel Hill's new campus-wide Alumni Engagement platform – The Heels Engage Network – is here! This platform will allow you to connect with Alumni and other UNC community members such as Students, Faculty/Staff, and Friends of the Community who support Carolina students.

Login today by following 5 easy steps!

1.    Visit the Heels Engage Network

2.    Click “Sign In” and then “UNC Student/Employee/Alumni Login”.

3.    Login with your ONYEN (you do not need to create an account) and complete the initial hobbies and interests.

4.    Go to “My Profile” (top right corner of the dashboard) and connect your LinkedIn to increase profile completion score.

5.    Go to “My Preferences” (top right corner of the dashboard) to update your availability, privacy, and more.

That’s it!! You’re now ready to get started with engaging the UNC community by exploring the “Career, Connect, and Resources” tabs on the main dashboard.

Key Features:

  • Handshake Jobs Platform Integration – The Jobs feed in The Heels Engage Network includes jobs from UNC’s Handshake Platform and will show alumni (and other community members) who work at the company, or have similar job titles to the job being posted.
  • Jobs and Projects from Network members – Alumni can post jobs from their companies in the Heels Engage Network that can be for current students or fellow alumni. Additionally, they can post experiential learning projects for current students.
  • Career Paths – This tab is located under the “Career” menu and is where you can explore information on various career paths recommended to you by the Heels Engage Network based on your profile completion, activity on the platform, and interests. It’s a very powerful tool that also suggests alumni and community members to connect with for each path you explore.
  • Community – This tab is located under the “Connect” menu and is where you’ll be able to search for Alumni and other UNC community users based on a number of filters that allow you to find the best people to reach out to in support of your academic and career journey.
  • Resources – Access and utilize career development, campus life, and digital learning tools provided from University Career Services, General Alumni Association, School/Department-based Career Offices, and the Institution.

UNC Chapel Hill is committed to ensuring every student and alum is connected to the people and networks needed to succeed. How does the Heels Engage Network support this goal? By providing a space for alumni, current students, faculty and staff to connect. Where an alum can help ease the stress of picking a major or graduate school program for a current student. Where students can identify job opportunities that alumni have connections to. Where recent graduates can get a better understanding of what their career journey might look like from more seasoned alumni.

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